Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Stupid Zombies Android Game

The Stupid Zombies Android App by Game Resort is an angry bird’s type zombie game in which zombies are put in certain positions and your job is to kill them all with as few bullets as possible. The game features a great graphics engine that sports some decent animations when it comes to zombies dying, blood being shed, and the gun actually being fired. The game is structured like angry birds in the sense that there are different levels involved and each level has 30 subsets of levels or so in which the goal is to earn enough points to gain 3 stars for each level.
The game begins with you playing the survivor, so far, of a zombie apocalypse (I chose that as my reason you can make up your own) and your mission is to eliminate all zombies. The first time you fire a bullet you will realize that within the game engine, the bullets will ricochet off of walls and one bullet could potentially kill all the zombies on the level. This will increase the number of points you can earn per level and bring you closer to the 3 stars rating for each sublevel. The games levels get harder as you move on as does the obtaining of the three stars per level.
Overall, this is a fantastic game that is very fun to play. At the time of this review the Stupid Zombies Android App is free. Definite Thumbs Up.

 >>  Download
>>> Sources

>> Stupid Zombie Android Chapter 1 Stage 4 Walkthrough

1 komentar:

Rezkiji said...

dri gmbr2x kykx nih game mantap nih...

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